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Hsueh Ni;
"An average girl growing up in the most average kind of environment giving her insights on life and her takes on the conventional way of living as she seeks out the unique people and things that intrigues her."
♥ ♥ ♥

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Creativity is priceless, appreciate your ideas and make sure it comes to fruition. "
By yours truly

♥ ♥ ♥


- finish buying everyone's birthday presents!
- A chow chow puppy! :D
- To open a successful bar/club.
- To have at least a million $$ in my account by the time I'm 23

♥ ♥ ♥

♥ loveables ! ♥

Mei Wen
Yoke Jong
Ian I
Ian II
Shun An
two BEE 06
US !
Yuen Yong
Sopida TOO!
Sopida THREE!
Rae Chan
me + Jolyn
Wei Yi
Liu Qing
Wai Mun
Fei Ying
Hui Ying
Ivy I
Ivy II
Yan Jun
Zhao Yong
Yong Heng
Rachel Yeo
Hong Chiat
Min Wei
Jing Ying
Yue Ting
Qian Ying
Khoon Geok

Designer: hsuehni
Header Codes: hsuehni
Hosted: Blogger
Images: Foto Decadent


memories to keep

September 2005
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
July 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
2:55 PM

I stumbled upon this on facebook.

Extremely Accurate for me... so maybe you can try it for yourself or your friends...

Link: http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx

My result:

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Haha... so true! so true!

If you click on give me mroe at the bottom of the page, you can get more analysis!

Next Result:

You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.

You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.

You value your friendships quite a lot but you don't like to show your feelings to others. You would rather keep your feelings to yourself than share them with your friends. You might get a pleasant surprise if you are more open about caring for people - they will probably let you know that you're special to them, too.

You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.

You are keen to know other's matters. Besides, you choose the front seat, it means you are energetic and always lead the team. You will always tell your team where to go and you will be dissatisfied if you do not get to lead the team. That's why others leave this job to you.

Okay enough. I am wasting my project time on this...
link me your results! :D
I'm waiting...

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Friday, September 03, 2010
4:08 AM

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been blogging cause I was involved in the Youth Olympic Games recently. (Okay, I admit, I'm also crippled by my own laziness...)

OHHH! I changed the background for my blog but IDK how to put a picture as the header. SUCKS!!! Time to change blog skin. Actually, I really really REALLY want to change my blog skin BUT I'm too lazy to move my tagboard, site meter, links, and personal info around and Im also trying to avoid losing any information.

OKAY! It has been a very fruitful day cause I managed to coax myself of having a one-day workaholic lifestyle. well actually, I wasn't that busy la. Just had to attend school and the Miss Selfridge's Fashion Night Out event.

I didn't take pictures of the event or myself cause I was too lazy, I wasn't dressed well and it wasn't a BIG event.

THIS, is my goodie bag:

It contains samples from Benefit (HELL YEAHHH!!!) High beam & a moisturizer. Miss Selfridge lip balm and nail file, complimentary classic manicure.

The manicure sponsor.

They have this particular product that is something like a nail sticker. Look at my pinky in the picture. this is how the end product looks like. Well basically, this thing is a substitute for nail polish cause it doesnt take time to dry, can peel off easily and they got 300++ designs to choose from. (they only have abt 10(?) at the venue) I think the idea is interesting la. but its damn expensive and hard if u wanna DIY at home cause it takes alot of work to get the sticker nicely on the nail. Its from USA,

Okay, they had a special discount thingy during the event today la. If you bring a friend there and buy ANYTHING, you get the member card. Which is great cause usually u need to spend 150bucks at either topshop, topman, miss selfridge or dorothy perkins. so yeah... not bad la. the deal. PLUS everything in the store is the new autumn collection and its store-wide 20% off.

SO... bought this BEAUTIFUL pair of heels. :D

The original price is 79.90 but after 20% off its around $63. And the friend who went with me got a member card as well... :D

I left halfway through the event cause I was SOO damn bored... They were just explaining abt the season's trends and what the store has to offer this season... (like I'm blind and need you to explain what I'm looking at to me...) PLUS, the host was SUPER NON-CHARISMATIC...

So yeah, left to go shopping!!! :D
I've been so deprived of shopping for the past month that I'm on the verge of getting withdrawal symptoms from it. lol. kidding la. just hand itchy...

Okay, then I went around shopping and this is my loot. (in no particular order)

First, its a Nautical Dress from NEW LOOK!

The front: nothing much... Just 6 golden buttons...

The Back: HUGE ASS back revealing clothing...

The reason bought this is cause its damn it cute and the cutting is FAB!!! It doesn't seem as nice in the picture but maybe next time when i finally wear it then you guys can judge.

The original cost is 79.90. But cause Jom has the New Look member and $20 off voucher that has to be used by the end of the month, I had $20 off and only had to pay 59.90. :D

Okay... moving on...

Yes I bought TONS of undergarments again. lol. ALL cotton on body's fault. I LOVE their sales for their lingerie. In total, I bought 3bras and 2 panties. 1.The red and white polka dot one 2.The fuchsia one with beautiful straps that cant be seen in the picture. 3. The strawberry one. 4. The strawberry panties that I find cute but doesn't match the bra. 5. The strawberry panties that matches the bra and is DAMN bloody cute.
The bras costs 10bucks each and the panties costs 5 bucks each. :D
(estimated original price: bra, $19.95 ; Panties: $9.95

Last stop, Diva...

I ADORE this cupcake. I *hearts* whimsical things... (nuff said)
This costs $15.

Ohh yes I forgot I bought a bracelet in cotton on body as well. It was sold at the counter and I was like OMFG!!! I WANT!!! Looks damn Juicy Couture la...

Ohh yes. I bought it @ 4.95. DAMN CHEAP I KNOW...

Okay, now comes the super dreaded time for me...






OMFG... FML!!!

AT least I saved $ 76.65 :P

WOW... Didn't realize I saved tht much as well... now I feel better :D

Okay its like 5.30am now. I gng slp.


⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Friday, July 23, 2010
3:24 AM

his post has been in my drafts for too long... but here it is... my take on the LOVABLE ELLEN... PAGE!!! :D

I'm sure many of you have never known who she is before the inception but you should watch all her movies. FAB stuff.

I love the movies she chooses to participate in. Mostly deeply intriguing and profound. She gives off this weird mysterious vibe that makes you wonder if she is even sane.

Check out her new movies n stuff. look at the trailers. Most of it jerked a tear outta my eye. esp freeheld. OMG. I need a tissue...

you know. the moment i set eyes on Ellen Page in Juno i just wished she's gay cause she looks too good to be true. hahahaha.

COME ON! she is like the splitting image of Shane McCutcheon from the L word.


Here you go...

Ellen page... (the button shouldn't be opened. looks inviting)

Katherine Moennig aka Shane from the L word (**swoonssss)

COME ON!!! I swear they look alike...

But on a serious note, I know ellen has been supportive of human rights n is a super eco-friendly person. (like the typical les in my opinion) PLUS, she is artistic and immensely talented. What more can u ask for?

Recently, her skit on SNL US has made me have that shimmering hope tht she is in fact, gay.
BUTTTT she didnt officially come out. PLUS she had bfs before...
might I add that you MUST WATCH THE SNL SKIT!!!

here is the link >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubds6PUo1pg&feature=related

Damn. why can't my world be perfect?

more pictures of Ellen looking like-she-is-leaning-towards-the-gay-side adorable!!! :D

okay... CUTE OVERLOAD!!!

Shane's turn.
(just so you know I love her as well :D)

Okay... cannot take it...

**dies from cuteness overload...

If the photos turn out too big/small, sorry. cant resize...


⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Wednesday, July 07, 2010
4:41 AM

Confessions of a lover

Can you feel my heart?
Thumping, Pumping, Beating.

Can you feel my heart?
Breaking, Cracking, Shattering.

Can you feel my heart?
Aching, Blistering, Smoldering.

Can you feel my love? My love.

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Monday, July 05, 2010
4:04 AM

"Headquartered in Colorado, Focus on the Family is at the forefront of numerous anti-gay initiatives in the United States and most recently contributed US$600,000 to the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign in California which overturned the state Supreme Court ruling that legalised same-sex marriage. The group made the headlines worldwide in 2005 when its founder James Dobson accused the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants of promoting homosexuality as Spongebob was often holding hands with Patrick Starfish!"

COME ON!!! You think spongebob is gay cause he holds hands with his best friend and you are screwing others up with your campaign. GET A LIFE!

WTF. and people actually listens to what this guy says. BRAINWASHED to the MAX!

Don't get too cocky dude. you only win in numbers. Soon everyone will be enlightened.

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Thursday, June 03, 2010
8:08 AM

I just realised that 2 people who are very significant in my teen love life has the same birthday!


Coincidence much...

Thanks facebook notifications...

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Friday, May 28, 2010
5:11 AM

**tiny update

I just saw an old friend's fb cause he asked me how I was the other day.
Its so scary how people grow up so fast.
He earned 70k+ by doing a job. (IDK what job it is if not I'd be rich by now)
That's just 10% of it. Of course, it was a shared business.
He just took off in a A380 jet to Japan as well. (for work)

I met him during primary school in the tuition centre.
The centre is pretty famous at that time.
He was one of the guy friends that I was close to and kinda had a crush on.
But even then you could tell that he was good at dealings with business.

I remember that there was one occasion that he made a bet that I couldn't finish my Chinese essay in time, before class ended.
His bet was 50 bucks. No conditions.
It was the kind of unfair deal that no teen would agree to.
If I didn't finish, I won't lose anything either.

So... Obviously I rushed that essay.
But as you know... little miss slow poke here would take 10 mins to write one Chinese character.
So I kinda cheated till the end. It was slightly pass the deadline and I sneakily told him I did hand in before the deadline.

But Mr gentleman here was kind enough to not spoil my ego.
And I kinda rubbed it in reminding him every 5 mins abt the deal and asking him where my money is.
OBVIOUSLY I would have thought that he was joking about the money right!!! LIKE WTF!!!
50 bucks is like a MILLION dollars to a 11/12 year old kid.

So, the next week, before tuition, Mr gentleman DID FUCKING HAND ME THE 50BUCKS and asked me to keep it. (He kinda insisted.)
Being the greedy and snotty brat that I am at that time(hopefully not now), I took it and kept it.
~end of story~

But throughout all these years I've never forgotten about the 50bucks.
I know I would one day return the 50bucks to him but its like how the hell am I supposed to do that???

Randomly post a wall post on fb:

"Hello. Remember the 50bucks you lost in a bet about 6 years ago? I wanna return it to you."

WTF. NO WAY LAH! It would be damn embarrassing if he didn't rmb. OR WORSE! Ignore my comment...
PLUS. He is fucking rich now. Why would he wanna spend $$ on transport to meet me to get back a measly 50dollar note? (He has always been rich but its prob his parents' money when he was younger)

Okay... but seriously...
It suddenly hit me that people whom you think wouldn't make it big because it is pretty impossible and not realistic in life, WILL!
You will never know if the good friend whom you lost touch for a long period of time would suddenly become a BIG shot one day.
It gives me hope but despair as well.
I know that they work hard and prob have to be extra savvy to start a business or continue one.
But can you imagine how I feel beside them?

I think I have WAY too successful friends.
It scares me sometimes and obviously make me feel inadequate.
It seems like I'm not trying hard enough.(NOT that I am la. But I just wish I was)

I have ambitions too. But when I think of them realistically I realize that it is going to be hard trying to accomplish them.

I'm scared to death now. Suddenly don't feel like growing up. (Though I'm still happy with the fact that I'm legal with most things that concerns themselves with age.)

Fuck. I feel like crying...

p.s. NO! I'm not suicidal or under depression. Thank you.

p.p.s Did I mention that he was born just 8 days after me? Also, the fact that his brother is the same age as mine and in the same secondary school right now.

p.p.p.s I just found out that he is in the same school as me as well. But we've never bumped into each other.

Its a small world after all.

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Saturday, May 22, 2010
3:52 AM

The whale leaps.
As high as he can imagine.
Piercing the water,
from peak to peak.
Is a yearning for the sky reflected in his eyes?
What if this high point is not merely the sky, but something far higher?
If he knew of the infinite glitter of the stars,
would his dreams soar even higher?

Even if one doesn't know why,
to live is to constantly reach out.
Not a nervous restlessness,
but a constant motion of the heart.

-Nino, Arakawa under the bridge

I love this show.

Venus is your neighbour, so why can't you feel the love?

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Sunday, May 02, 2010
3:51 AM

I'm blogging now for obvious reasons.
I don't do it often enough.

okay. its 3.52 in the morning now.
I have nothing to say apart for the fact that I needa go to the loo. (not that you need to know)

Sorry guys. I'm just so uninspired nowadays.
Way too cheery. I'm mostly inspired when im in the emo state.

OKay. gtg. nature call... plus i needa change my ham-ham's bedding. :D

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
6:47 AM

two different lives, two choices.
one person, one life.

only fate will bring you this far.
to feel and to be felt.
heartaches and heartbreaks
along with grief.

To be condemned...
To be mocked...
Not to be...

But is it worth it?

It might fizzle out.
It might vanish.
It will be memorable.
It will change your life.
It might not work out.
But its okay.
Time will never heal the wounds but your wounds will become invisible scars.

Scars will change you... for the better.

Sometimes you don't have to choose.
Its just laid out for you.
Sometimes you can have both.
You'll only have to realise it.

Be fair to yourself. Don't hesitate.

follow your heart, find peace.

I have chosen. Have you?

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Tuesday, March 09, 2010
5:44 AM

OMG! I just had a crazy series of thoughts:

the words in bold are titles to songs I'm listening on shuffle now...

and this is the series of events that im hoping wont play out tmr but probably would cause I'm blogging this stupid post now...

1. Rush to school... tell fitris I never finish my part for the project.
2. Afraid as hell as I wait for her to lecture me.
3. Okay... nevermind... class starting... Here I come...
4. Prologue before group discussion = my sentence...
5. Fitris surprisingly says that my project is so-so...somewhere in between good and bad.
6. Me saying... time for me to fly to meet bhav to go to the saloon.
7. But I need to ask "If thats ok with you" to fitris 1st.
8. Say sorry so that she wont be so aggitated and feel that I'm irresponsible.

haha. thats abt it... btw these songs are in sequence in my shuffle mode...
I didn't skip any...

okay this post is too random... I need better ideas...


⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Monday, March 08, 2010
6:15 AM

I.T. show is coming!!!



Lets see what I need:

2. Earphones
3. Mouse
4. Sony alpha 330 (not a need but I want)
5. New iTouch (not a need to replace but I also want)
6. CHIO & CHEAP laptop case (its okay if I dont get it)
7. Keyboard protector (I need this but alcohol will do for now... I'm just afraid that the letters will fade)

Thats pretty much it. UNLESS I see something else that catches my eye.
OHH MAN!!! I want an iPhone too!!!
Things that are this epic will have the same products that will top it...

okayyyyyy... peace outtttttttttzzz

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Saturday, February 06, 2010
5:48 AM

This comes kinda late but I'm really happy that she uploaded more vids on youtube.
which pushed me to post this...

She is MY FAVVV person on youtube!!!

She's the fabulous and always beautiful MICHELLE PHAN!

OMG! Her videos are EXCEPTIONAL!

If you're a beginner and want to know more about make-up, THIS is the BEST place to learn...


I just saw this video that teaches you how to wash your make up brushes using stuff you can find in your house like dishwashing liquid and olive oil. OMG!

Another video showed that olive oil can TOTALLY remove your eye make up!?!?


All these years I've been ripped off...
I have to pay 10+++ per bottle of eye make up remover...

Well, I personnally think that ALL FEMALES should know how to put on GOOD make-up. Its an important skill. Can you imagine going to a job interview without putting on appropriate make up or NO make up at all??? So disrespectful... :(

Anyway, I happen to chance upon her channel while youtube surfing...
I don't think its that hard to chance upon it since she's darn famous and has lotsa hits anyway.

I remembered that the 1st month that I found her vids I started to watch is THE WHOLE DAMN NIGHT! Freaking awesome.

I love it when she edits her videos and takes the time and effort to explain everything to you. Also, she has lotsa tips and tricks that are very conventional for the poor students like myself since most of the remedies are homemade.

DAMN!!! She's an artist too. And she can paint damn well.
Check out her charity channel which is named under as Ricebunny.

gotta love her!!!

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Today, I was walking back to my home in the city in the dark. I'm paranoid, so when I saw movement behind me I clutched my mace. The faster I walked, the closer the person seemed to be. I spun around and sprayed my attacker with mace. It was my shadow and the wind blew the mace back into eyes. FML

Random FML from Fmylife(dot)com

Lolgasmic stuff!

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Friday, February 05, 2010
1:20 AM

Well, I was bored and decided to waste $$$

SO... I decided to do this!!!



These are the stuff I used...

1. Sephora lipstick in C01
2."Gorgeous" necklace from Diva
3. Lace hairband from F21
4. Pocketpal by Benefit (benetint + gloss)
5. Hello Flawless by Benefit
6. Dial concealer from daiso
7. Sheer colour by Lipice
8. Mascara by Eye-Lite


⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Friday, January 22, 2010
2:54 AM

I just heard this on the radio.

Whats the difference between a snowman and a snow woman?




I feel so guilty neglecting this blog for such a long time...
I wanna blog about some of the interesting things tht happened recently.
But its way too crazy to put it on the net and associate it with myself.
I know all too well about the dangers and horrors of the net.
So I'd prefer sticking it out to be a neutral person...

(I'm referring to those out there that I havent met for the past month - IDK when...)


I'm thinking of working at universal studios on weekends.
But Idk if I can get the job. Its so IN-DEMAND now...

And I realised tht recently I've been craving for anime. lol
I have caught up to all the anime I'm interested in so far and I only can wait for Japan to air and for kind ppl to sub before I can watch...
Freaking long process please!!!


BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

⇔ ♥ ♥ ♥ ⇔

Saturday, December 19, 2009
2:23 AM




That is seriously going to be my new home!



There is a huge-ass Uniqlo there too!

Actually there are lots of other stuff there too but I was rushing.

If there is any other thing worth mentioning after this post then I suppose I'll post again :P

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